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Find Employees

Employee and business owner posing for photo in bakery manufacturing facility.

Struggling to find and keep the employees you need? Ready to expand your workforce, but not sure what steps to take? Get free, customized, and confidential staffing support through the EDB. Get the hiring and training support you need, at no cost to you! 

How We Can Help

Our EDB staff works closely with the Workforce Investment Board to help you find qualified employees and help with developing customized training programs for your business needs. See information about our services below.

Find Qualified Employees

If you are looking to hire a new employee, our EDB Team can help you research salary information and develop job descriptions that get you the right candidates. We can also help you identify specific job candidates through countywide programs and assist in setting up hiring events and industry-specific job fairs.

Free Job Boards

We have Free Job Boards to post your job openings so you can attract the best candidates to meet your hiring needs. There are two job boards to help you attract specific job seekers:

We are always here to help! You can contact us anytime throughout the process if you need assistance or have any questions by clicking here.

Invest in Your Employees and Get Reimbursed

Are you interested in hiring someone that needs training? You can get reimbursed for training costs! That's right, we are currently working to connect Sonoma County employers with funds to offset the cost of employee training.

Customized Training Programs

We can help you in developing customized employee training programs to keep your workforce up-to-date on the latest equipment and skills.

Tax Credits for Hiring

Find out about tax credits available for hiring military veterans or members of other groups.

Contact EDB Today

Patti Andrews

Patti Andrews

Business Services Program Manager

Question mark icon.

Questions? ¿Preguntas?

Connect with us and we will connect you with the right resources for your business. Fill out the Business Services Form to start accessing EDC's free services. 

Formulario de Registro de Cliente Empresarial: Su primera parada en obtener información acerca de cómo iniciar o expandir su negocio. 

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