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Strategic Plan


This section of the report provides a clear Action Plan that aligns with each of Strategic Sonoma’s six goals:

  1. Recover from the October 2017 fires.
  2. Build necessary housing.
  3. Educate and support our workforce.
  4. Diversify our business clusters.
  5. Be a leader in environmentally-sustainable practices. Improve mobility and access to services.

For each goal, the Action Plan includes a vision statement and call to action that explains why the goal is important for Sonoma County. This is followed by a prioritized list of ongoing, proposed, and new projects that will help move the county forward.
The first sidebar list suggests primary measures of success. These are tangible, statistical metrics that should be utilized to track progress towards the goal. Partner organizations should collaboratively set specific goals for each metric and agree to work towards these goals. Regular reporting of metric progress will help collective impact partners and the public understand whether projects are working or need adjustment as well as inspire identification of new projects in the future.
The second list includes a sample of partner organizations responsible for projects that support the goal. Many projects will require multiple organizations to implement, while others will be the sole responsibility of one organization. Successful implementation relies on continuous, transparent communication between these partners and alignment of their efforts to avoid duplication and keep the focus on the vision, goals, and metrics.
Best practice examples from communities that have successfully implemented similar projects are included at the end of each goal. Sonoma County has its own unique circumstances, but best practices offer useful lessons. They should also inspire hope and creativity – demonstrating that seemingly insurmountable challenges can be overcome through collective impact.
The following section of the report includes more detail on how to effectively implement the Action Plan, including discussion of accountability reporting and a timeline
for projects.